heat pump specialist

Increase Productivity with a Heat Pump in Your Home Office

Do you work at the kitchen table? Have you turned a bedroom into an office? Or have you set up a separate cabin or sleep-out with everything you need to work from home? We’ve seen it all in this new era of working from home.

While there’s many benefits – flexibility, convenience, no parking fees – home-based offices need to be comfortable if you’re going to be productive. You wouldn’t suffer in silence shivering or sweating in the office, so don’t do it at home. Buy yourself a comfy swivel chair, get a good quality desk, and install a top-quality Mitsubishi heat pump from Bay of Plenty Heat Pumps.

The mobile home-based worker

If you’re a travelling home-based worker, moving from the dining table to the couch to the kitchen island, you’re not alone. Plenty of people love to mix things up, and different workspaces promote fresh ideas.

But Tauranga gets hot in the summer and cold in winter, so you’ve got options. You can waste time lighting the fire in winter and let the bugs in through open doors in summer. Or you can install an air conditioner in your living space and make your itinerant home-based working far more comfortable and convenient.

Heat pumps for the bedroom-turned-office

For bedrooms that have been permanently converted into home offices, the temperature is often comfortable during the shoulder seasons of spring and autumn, but unbearably hot in summer and freezing cold in winter. Quit playing around with plug-in heaters that zap power and ceiling fans that barely make a difference – if you’ve claimed an entire room as your home-based office, setting up an energy-efficient Mitsubishi heat pump is a no-brainer.

The separate dwelling office

A separate building is ideal for home-based working in the Bay of Plenty – you’re still at home, but that separation of space means you can really switch gears as you step outside and enter your office. And if you’ve gone to the trouble of building a new cabin or converting an existing sleep-out, working from home is probably a full-time gig for you. You’ve likely fitted it out with everything you need, be it shelving, multiple screens, stationery, and a stable internet connection.  

But being in a separate building to the house means that you get none of the home’s warmth or breeze, and small separate offices can get too hot or too cold quickly. But there’s an easy solution – install a heat pump and enjoy a comfortable climate and fresh, circulated air year-round.

Create comfort in your home-based office

Home-based working isn’t going anywhere. The specialists at Bay of Plenty Heat Pumps want to help create comfortable and productive home offices across the BOP, from Tauranga to Papamoa, Mt Maunganui to Te Puke. Give us a ring and we’ll figure out which heat pump is best suited to your unique work situation.
